Wednesday, July 28, 2010
The World's Largest Breeding Arowana!
Arowana Malaysia or better known as Malaysian Gold is a high quality arowana fish and the most beautiful in the world. It has a high value market price to reach tens of thousands of dollars.
In Malaysia, especially MUA Aquaculcture Sdn. Bhd. which is located in Bukit Merah many children produce quality arowana. This is because the parent-reared mature parent is the parent of high quality arowana.
According pengusahanya, market demand is now growing up unable to meet current market demand either locally and internationally. Thus, arowana price increase from time to time.
There are currently 74 companies registered operators in the vicinity of Bukit Merah, Perak, Malaysia where roughly a 4.700 Arowana breeding ponds. And there are many more under construction. In the event the area allocated by the state government are met, then the expected arowana breeding ponds in Bukit Merah has 8000 views. It is the world's largest breeding arowana!
For Livestock Investment Arowana @ any infomation , please contact: -
Mr. Hilmi,
What is Arowana?
Common name: | Asian arowana, Dragon fish, Asian Bonytongue | |
Scientific name: | Scleropages formosus | |
Synonyms: | (none) | |
Size: | Up to 36" (92cm) reported, but usually smaller in aquariums - around 18-22" (46-56cm). | |
Origin: | Asia: Cambodia, Indonesia (Kalimantan and Sumatra), Malaysia, Thailand and Vietnam. | |
Tank setup: | A large tank (recommend 6x2x2'/ 183 x 61 x 61cm or larger) with plenty of open swimming space. | |
Compatibility: | Keep with other very large fish which cannot be swallowed. Sometimes aggressive to other species, probably best kept alone as a specimen fish. Groups of similar sized individuals can be kept together, but this necessitates huge tanks which are beyond the means of most home aquarists. | |
Temperature: | 24-30oC (75-86oF) | |
Water chemistry: | Soft and acidic (pH 6.0-6.5) ideally, but the exact pH and hardness are not critical - the water quality is much more important (e.g. low nitrates, zero ammonia and nitrite). | |
Feeding: | Carnivorous: earthworms, insects, will accept dead meaty foods, such as whitebait, mussel and prawn. | |
Sexing: | Very difficult. In mature fish, males may be slimmer and possess a larger mouth and discernable buccal cavity (to incubate eggs). | |
Breeding: | A mouthbrooder, the eggs are carried in the mouth of the male. Has been bred commercially. | |
Comments: | Silver, gold, red, green and a number of other forms of this fish exist. The red form is particularly prized, as are "crossback" varieties. Many additional colour varieties have now been produced, and often attract a high price. This species is endangered in the wild, and is listed under CITES (Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species) Appendix I, meaning that international trade is tightly restricted. Captive-bred specimens are available to the aquarium trade and must be microchipped and sold with an accompanying certificate verifying their captive-bred origins. |
Monday, July 26, 2010
Arowana Fish Breeding
Careful growing methods and feeding is practiced in arowana fish breeding. From time to time, breeders check and collect male arowana that brood eggs or fry which came from mud ponds. There are about 20-60 eggs found in a male arowana's mouth* which has an average size of 15 millimeters. ( *source: MAU Aquaculture Sdn. Bhd. )
In a week's time you will see that the eggs are ready to hatch. In about a month, the fish can grow about 2-3 centimeters. They get their nutrients in their yolk sack, give it another 2 weeks and the fish will begin to separate from its yolk sack and attempts to swim. Another 2 months or so they will be released by the male arowana from its mouth and begin to swim freely.
It takes about a year for the fry to grow and be sold. They are separated from the male arowana in order to avoid the risk of being eaten up. Arowana fish breeding requires much dedication and focus. Are you ready to breed arowana?
Arowana Secrets – How To Care For Arowana
If there is one kind of fish which needs much attention and care in growing them up, it will be Arowana. They have a life expectancy of 20 plus years and taking care of these kinds of fish need much patience and understanding. It also requires much work and dedication. How to care for arowana?
As we all know there are a lot of arowana species and caring for them can vary. But generally they all have the same needs. One of the first things you need is the tank. You must be able to create a tank which is spacious, wide and deep. If you will ask if you need to put gravel at the bottom, choose plants or grass instead to avoid affecting the water quality, you can add decorations as long as your arowana can swim freely there is no problem at all.
As mentioned earlier, the quality of water matters much. The water temperature should be kept at 27 celsius. If you are to change your water, do it slowly and little by little. See to it that you do not change it drastically for you might just be surprised the next morning, your arowana has died. Choose your filters well; see to it that they suit the needs of your arowana.
In terms of food and feeding, arowanas are known carnivores so you can basically feed them insects, worms, small fishes, goldfish and shrimps. Feed them in small amounts and at least twice a day. When it comes to sickness, it is usually the water which determines it. Just add a little salt to your water and it can do wonders.
How to care for arowana can be a little tricky but once you get the feel of it, everything will just come easy. Just take not e of the tips mentioned and in no time your care for arowana will pay off.
Arowana Secrets – How To Care For Arowana
Arowana Care – Myths and Folklore Surrounding the Arowana
The Arowana (sometimes spelled arawana or aruana) is one of the most popular fish among fish enthusiasts; especially in Asia. Its popularity in Asia stems from the numerous folklore and myths that are often associated with the Arowana. This article will try to bring to light the numerous stories that are about this majestic fish; it will be up to you if you believe them or not.
In most parts of Asia, the Arowana is considered an incarnation of the mythical creature, the dragon; that is why it is also called “dragon fish”. This is because the barbels that protrude from the sides of the fish’s mouth resemble the whiskers of a dragon as portrayed in ancient drawings. That is why Asian Arowanas are said to bring good luck and good fortune like the legendary beast it’s associated with.
In Chinese culture the dragon is a mystical creature that is said to bring good fortune to you and your family, so having a dragon fish can be the next best thing to having your own personal dragon. In Southeast Asian countries, the Arowana is often kept in places of business because it is believed that the fish will bring prosperity.
It is also believed by the Chinese people that the Arowana can distinguish friend from foe. It is said that if the usually meek and calm Arowana start to thrash about inside its tank when a person enters the house, then that person is an enemy to the family.
There are also fantastical stories of how the Arowana somehow saved its owner’s life. Stories tell of an Arowana taking a disease that was meant to hit its master or his family and die in place of the person; it might sound a little too out of this world but the hardcore believers of this myth will tell you otherwise. There is one urban legend floating around the internet that tells of a man that narrowly escapes being killed in a car accident, and upon returning home he finds that his pet Arowana has jumped from its tank and lies dead on the floor. Upon further inspection it was found out that the fish died at almost the exact time that the car accident happened.
There is something of an air of mystery surrounding the Arowana, so if you believe all the folklore involving it then you should try and own one yourself; if you’re not a believer it’s still a very beautiful fish to keep around as a pet.
Sunday, July 25, 2010
Arowana: Malaysia kini merupakan pengeluar terbesar ikan hiasan dunia
KUALA LUMPUR 20 Nov. - Malaysia kini merupakan pengeluar terbesar ikan hiasan dunia apabila berjaya mencapai jumlah pengeluaran tahunan hampir 700 juta ikan berbanding 458 juta ikan pada 2005.
Menteri Pertanian dan Industri Asas Tani, Datuk Mustapa Mohamed berkata, pada masa ini, negara mensasarkan peningkatan kapasiti pengeluaran tahunan sebanyak 860 juta ikan hiasan pada 2010, iaitu di bawah Rancangan Malaysia Kesembilan (RMK9).
Beliau berkata, setakat ini, negara telah menternak lebih 250 spesies, termasuk pelbagai jenis ikan eksotik untuk pasaran domestik dan dunia.
“Bagaimanapun, dalam pengeksportan ikan hiasan itu, Malaysia merupakan negara kedua terbesar apabila berjaya mengeksport hampir 100 juta ikan hiasan setahun,” katanya selepas merasmikan Aquafair Malaysia 2008, di sini hari ini.
Dalam perkembangan lain Mustapa berkata, kerajaan bakal melancarkan zon industri perikanan yang dikenali Prospektus Industri Zon Akuakultur (AIZs) yang bertujuan membangunkan infrastruktur dan sokongan perkhidmatan industri perikanan.
Katanya, kewujudan zon itu dijangka mampu menarik pelaburan berjumlah RM2 bilion dalam tempoh empat hingga lima tahun.
Beliau berkata, kementeriannya telah mengenalpasti tanah seluas 25,000 hektar di seluruh negara untuk menjayakan projek akuakultur itu.
“Kelulusan tanah bagi program-program AIZs adalah di bawah skop pihak berkuasa tempatan iaitu kerajaan negeri,” katanya.
Menurut Mustapa, setakat ini, 1,000 hektar tanah dan empat lokasi telah dikenalpasti bagi tujuan pembangunan yang berkaitan dengan AIZs khususnya bagi pusat penternakan ikan hiasan.
Katanya, cadangan mewujudkan zon akuakultur bagi ikan hiasan mampu menarik pelabur luar negara dan domestik.
Wednesday, July 21, 2010
Sistem Pawah Arowana @ profit sharing system
Sistem pawah atau (profit sharing system) adalah satu sistem yang melibatkan perkongsian antara pengusaha dan pembeli. Dalam sistem pawah arowana, pembeli akan membeli induk dari pengusaha dan induk tersebut akan ditempatkan di dalam kolam milik pengusaha. Seterusnya induk tersebut akan dipelihara oleh pengusaha dan segala kos makanan, penyelenggaraan dan sebagainya akan ditanggung sepenuhnya oleh pengusaha. Jadi pembeli hanya perlu mengeluarkan modal sekali sahaja iaitu membayar harga induk ikan. Induk yang berada di dalam kolam milik pengusaha itu merupakan harta atau aset kepada pembeli. Setiap 55 hari sekali pengusaha akan melakukan proses tuaian (harvest) untuk memastikan ada hasil ataupun tidak dengan memeriksa mulut induk. Sekiranya ada hasil, ia akan dibahagikan sama rata iaitu 50:50 di antara pengusaha dan pembeli.
Tuesday, July 20, 2010
Arowana: Business Potential-English Language
English Language
As a Malaysian national treasure, Golden Cross-Back Arowana, its hidden market value is just likes rolling an unstoppable snowball. The promising Standard Arowana Group is ready to lead Malaysia to become the top Golden Cross-Back Arowana hub in the world. Today, the ornamental Golden Cross-Back Arowana industry which is strongly encourages by government is considered as one of the fastest growing aquaculture sectors in this region.
Malaysian Golden Cross-Back Arowana is highly in demand in International Market i.e. China, Japan, Taiwan, Hong Kong, Middle East, Europe and the United States, thus the Standard Arowana Group has emerged to capture the market. The group introduces a unique "Standard Arowana Fish Farm Expansion Program", in order to expand further . Unifying security and flexibility by providing attractive return in profit will surely create sensation in the field of Ornamental fish industry.
Tips Penjagaan Arowana
Apa Yang Perlu Disediakan:
1. Ukuran akuarium ideal P x L x T = 150 x 60 x 70 cm
2. Lampu UV (sebagai lampu penerang akuarium)
3. Filter air, dapat menggunakan salah satu dari berikut :
o Filter terbuka (top filter dan filter tank)
o Filter tabung (Canister)
4. Media filter (bergantung pada kapasiti air aquarium anda) kapas, biofoam, bioball, karbon aktif dan zeolit.
5. Thermometer.
6. Aerator AC/DC
7. Heater (hanya digunakan sebagai P3K saat ikan terkena jamur/mata kabur dan set pada suhu 32ÂșC)
8. Garam Ikan.
9. Power Head (bila diperlukan).
10. Fish net (yg halus) atau selang ukuran 5/8 inch dapat digunakan untuk mengambil kotoran ikan.
11. Tutup akuarium, supaya ikan arowana tidak melompat keluar.
.....ada lagi, tunggu post seterusnya!
A part of Arowana
Arowana: Ikan Hiasan Bernilai Tinggi
Arowana Asia atau lebih dikenali oleh masyarakat Melayu di Malaysia sebagai "ikan kelisa" serta "Dragon Fish" oleh sesetengah masyarakat Cina khususnya dan "Dragon Bonytongues" oleh para pengekspot/pengimpot ikan-ikan hiasan amnya, adalah spesis ikan hiasan eksotik air tawar yang amat diidamkan oleh kebanyakan pemelihara ikan hiasan akuarium. Ini adalah kerana, spesis ini mampu mempamirkan keasliannya sebagai ikan hiasan klasik yang bermutu tinggi!
Asian Arowana (dilindungi oleh CITES- spesis diancam kepupusan) diantaranya adalah Kelisa emas (Malaysian Golden / crossback / highback), Super Red, Banjar Red dan Yellow Green Tail Arowana.
CITES telah diasaskan dan telah ditandatangani di Geneva, Switzerland pada penghujung tahun 70'an secara bersama oleh beberapa buah negara yang menggariskan spesis Arowana Asia (Scleropages formosus) sebagai spesis fauna yang paling dilindungi (Appendix 1 akta CITES), sekaligus membasmi daripada terus diancam kepupusan.
Di Malaysia, Jabatan Perikanan Malaysia bertanggungjawab dalam memantau segala aktiviti-aktiviti yang membabitkan spesis fauna air tawar yang dilindungi ini. Untuk tujuan pembiakan komersial pula, para bakal pembiak lazimnya harus memiliki sekurang-kurangnya 50-80 ekor baka ternak asal bagi melayakkan usaha mereka untuk membiakkan arowana Asia dan seterusnya melaksanakan aktiviti pemasaran domestik, mengimpot atau mengekspot.