Monday, July 26, 2010

Arowana Secrets – How To Care For Arowana

If there is one kind of fish which needs much attention and care in growing them up, it will be Arowana. They have a life expectancy of 20 plus years and taking care of these kinds of fish need much patience and understanding. It also requires much work and dedication. How to care for arowana?

As we all know there are a lot of arowana species and caring for them can vary. But generally they all have the same needs. One of the first things you need is the tank. You must be able to create a tank which is spacious, wide and deep. If you will ask if you need to put gravel at the bottom, choose plants or grass instead to avoid affecting the water quality, you can add decorations as long as your arowana can swim freely there is no problem at all.

As mentioned earlier, the quality of water matters much. The water temperature should be kept at 27 celsius. If you are to change your water, do it slowly and little by little. See to it that you do not change it drastically for you might just be surprised the next morning, your arowana has died. Choose your filters well; see to it that they suit the needs of your arowana.

In terms of food and feeding, arowanas are known carnivores so you can basically feed them insects, worms, small fishes, goldfish and shrimps. Feed them in small amounts and at least twice a day. When it comes to sickness, it is usually the water which determines it. Just add a little salt to your water and it can do wonders.

How to care for arowana can be a little tricky but once you get the feel of it, everything will just come easy. Just take not e of the tips mentioned and in no time your care for arowana will pay off.

Arowana Secrets – How To Care For Arowana

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